
+353 (0)1 544 2300

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 5pm – late

Saturday & Sunday 1pm – late

SOLE Receives Fáilte Ireland COVID-19 Safety Charter

COVID-19 Safety Charter

The COVID-19 Safety Charter is a Government endorsed an initiative to reinforce confidence in domestic and overseas visitors in Irish tourism businesses. This is designed to encourage and reassure to employees, employers and consumers that SOLE has opened safely. Fáilte Ireland issued specific guidelines for the Irish tourism and hospitality industry, which is designed to meet the government’s hygiene and safety guidelines.

Receiving this Charter means that at SOLE Seafood & Grill, every employee has completed necessary COVID-19 hygiene and safety control training. SOLE has appointed a COVID-19 Lead Worker Representative, who completed the Failte Ireland COVID-19 Safety & Hygiene Control Training.

What does this COVID-19 Safety Charter mean for SOLE?

  • Our team have a deep understanding of COVID-19.
  • SOLE has knowledge in our important role and responsibility for helping prevent the spread of infection.
  • We have a clear understanding of the standard precautions in controlling the infection of COVID-19.
  • SOLE has a clear understanding of correct hand washing techniques and practices to prevent the spread.
  • The team knows how to apply all this knowledge to our place of work.

The whole SOLE team are thrilled to have received this COVID-19, after implementing our Welcome Back Protocols. We are dedicated to providing our guests with a  comfortable safe distance dining experience. We would like to say a big thank you to our guests who have visited us over the past month since re-opening our doors.

Find out more about Fáilte Ireland COVID-19 Safety Charter here.

To book your dining experience with us:

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T: (01) 544 2300



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