
+353 (0)1 544 2300

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 5pm – late

Saturday & Sunday 1pm – late

Service Charge & Credit Card Tips Distribution at SOLE

  1. All credit card tips that are voluntarily left by our guests are distributed to our team through payroll on a biweekly basis.
  2. 12.5% Service Charge is applied to groups of 6 or more automatically. This amount is also distributed to our team through payroll on a biweekly basis.
  3. All relevant PAYE, PRSI & USC taxes are deducted from employees through payroll for this additional income.
  4. Cash Tips that are voluntarily left by our guests are handled by the employees directly and SOLE Seafood & Grill is not involved in their distribution. These transactions are solely between employees & guests.
  5. All credit card tips & service charge are pooled together.
  6. The distribution share is based on the following factors:

    -Shifts Worked
    -Involvement in service delivery

  7. Service charge & credit card tips are not used to make up the basic wages of any employee.
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