
+353 (0)1 544 2300

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 5pm – late

Saturday & Sunday 1pm – late

Sea to SOLE

We are delighted to release our video ‘Sea to SOLE’ today where our Executive Head Chef, Richie Wilson and Howth Fisherman, Cormac Ryan bring you on the incredible journey of our Irish lobster from Sea to SOLE. Watch below:

‘Sea to SOLE’ represents our ongoing passion with our supplier connections. Provenance is paramount in everything we do and the Irish lobster is an example of our local relationships, care and time put into selecting the best quality produce.

‘Sea to SOLE’ was shot on location in Howth Harbour with fisherman, Cormac Ryan and SOLE’s Executive Head Chef, Richie Wilson. About ‘Sea to SOLE’ video, Richie said:

“We are extremely proud to launch this tribute to our seafood partners including Cormac Ryan. We work really closely with our supply chain led by Kish Fish, to ensure when possible we are supporting the sustainability of the Irish fishing industry. SOLE Seafood & Grill provenance journey is built on loyalty, heritage and trust, and this continues to be an ongoing best practice at SOLE with high-quality in-season seafood to cater for a wide variety of palates.”


Watch the video on youtube here.


We are open late six nights a week Monday to Saturday.

Monday to Thursday from 5 pm / Fridays and Saturdays from 12 pm

View our menus.

To make a booking: click here.

T: +353 (0) 1544 2300



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